Boomi Benchmarking Tool

Project Overview

A heavily data-driven AngularJS application made to compare the user’s business ERP (enterprise resource planning) with others around the world, provided by Boomi, an integration platform company that specialises in connecting applications and automating business workflows.

Using data from a few questions about the user’s business, such as sector, salary and number of employees, this tool then pulls dynamic data from a large-scale database and presents it in the form of a series of interactive graphs, so the user can easily compare statistics that are relative to them.


  • Project scoping and planning, including functional specification writing.
  • Site code development, working alongside other agency developers.
  • Monitoring and planning development team’s work, as the Lead Developer.
  • Setting up AWS infrastructure to allow for a scalable deployment of the site.
  • Site deployment and regular maintenance.

Development Stack

  • AngularJS
  • Marketo
  • GulpJS
  • CircleCI
  • Docker
  • AWS